Why Sellers Request Additional Postage

Modified on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 at 02:43 PM

Extra Heavy Orders Require Extra Postage

We know you don't like being asked to pay more in shipping after you placed your order, and booksellers don't like asking for it either. 

Booksellers set their shipping rates based on the cost it takes to ship the majority of their items. So if most of their books are under two pounds, their shipping rates would be lower than sellers who sell large art books that can weigh up to 10 pounds. If sellers have a wide variety of books in their inventory, then the heavier items will cost more to ship than their average shipping prices.

If you order a particularly heavy book, or if you order a multi-volume series, the bookseller may request additional postage from you. You'll have the opportunity to approve or reject those charges, and if you reject the charges, the order will be cancelled and you'll be fully refunded.

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