How to add a new listing

Modified on Tue, 06 Feb 2024 at 03:00 PM

Ready to share your literary treasures with the world? We'll show you how to add a new listing on BIBLIO, step by step, in a way that's friendly and easy to understand. Check out this short tutorial or see the instructions below:

Adding a Listing by

Step 1: Log In

First things first, log in to your BiblioDirect bookseller menu. It's your gateway to all things book-related.

Step 2: Click on Inventory and Add a Listing

See that "Inventory" tab at the top left of the page? Click on it. Now, from the options, select "Add a Listing." You're on your way to listing your book!

Step 3: Fill in the Details

Time to spill the beans about your book. Fill in all the necessary details like the title, author, and price. Don't forget to give your book a unique identity with an inventory number (Book ID or SKU). A good description/format is like a book's passport—it helps readers get to know it better.

Here are the five must-fill fields:

  1. Inventory number (Book ID or SKU)

  2. Title

  3. Author

  4. Price

  5. Description/format

Tip: It's not just about the basics. The more info, the better! Include details like binding, edition, and book condition. Oh, and a photo is like a book's profile picture; it makes it more attractive to potential buyers.

Step 4: Check "For Sale / Active"

If you want your book to find a new home, make sure to check the "For Sale / Active" box. This tells the world that your book is up for grabs. Don't forget to click "Save" to lock in your changes.

Step 5: ISBN Magic

If you have an ISBN, life gets even easier. Just type or paste it in, and watch the magic happen. The system can autofill details like the title and author. If everything looks good, click "Save" to confirm.

Price Comparisons with BookGilt

Curious about prices? Click on "BookGilt" to see how your book's price stacks up on various marketplaces. It's like getting a sneak peek into the competition.

Adding Photos: Bring Your Book to Life

Photos make your book shine! You can add and remove images right on the product listing page. In the "Photos" section, drag and drop your images or double-click to select them from your computer. To remove a pic, click the red and white X in the corner. Don't forget to hit "Save."

Bulk Upload: The Time-Saver

We've got a cool feature for you—bulk uploading photos. It's a real time-saver. Click on the "Inventory" tab, choose "Upload Listings," and follow the instructions. You can drag and drop multiple image files at once. Easy, right?

Featured Books and Rare Book Rooms

Want to make your book stand out? Check out the "Rare Book Room" and "Featured Books" tabs. You can give your book some special attention there.

Editing Existing Listings

Need to tweak something? You can search and edit your existing listings in two ways:

  1. Use the inventory number if you have it.

  2. If not, click "Inventory" and select "Show inventory." You can search for your listings using various criteria.

NOTE:It might take up to 30 minutes for newly added or uploaded listings to show up in search results. Don't worry you can still search for and edit them before they're indexed. Just type in the search box on the BiblioDirect menu the title or Book ID/SKU. See below: 

Questions? We're Here to Help!

If you ever get stuck or have questions, drop us a friendly email at We're book lovers too, and we're always here to make your bookselling journey smooth and enjoyable! 

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