Why was I Told my Book was Unavailable After I Placed the Order?

Modified on Mon, 18 Sep 2023 at 02:01 PM

Sometimes Sellers Have to Cancel Orders

BIBLIO is a marketplace site, meaning we display the listings of thousands of independent booksellers.  While the vast majority of booksellers maintain fulfillment rates of well over 90%, inventory errors do sometimes occur. But we'll always be sure that you are promptly refunded and notified about the canceled book.

Why Some Orders Are Cancelled

Orders are most often cancelled because the bookseller realized that they don't have the purchased item in stock. That may happen because the item is lost or because the book was sold before the seller had a chance to update their BIBLIO inventory. If an author dies or a book is featured in a popular show or movie, many people try to find the book online, and sellers can only fulfill the orders while they have the item in stock, and it's usually first-come, first-serve. So if someone orders the book from the seller on another website, they might have to cancel the order that came through BIBLIO.

If your order is cancelled, please reach out and we'll try to help you find another copy!

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